Swarthmore Receives a ‘Black Gold’ Award from the U.S. Dirty Energy Council
Category: Uncategorized
December 3, 2011
Mountain Justice Street Theater: A (Divestment) Christmas Carol.
April 6, 2012
Swarthmore Mountain Justice Invites President Chopp to Support Divestment
April 14, 2012
Mountain Justice convenes a Fossil Fuel Divestment Panel
November 22, 2012
Mountain Justice speaks at Do the Math Philadelphia
December 7, 2012
Fossil Fuel Divestment Dominos
April 24, 2015
With commitment by Board to engage with proposal and faculty resolution of support, MJ ends 32-day sit-in
May 6, 2013
Student Protesters Take Over Open Board Meeting, State Wide Array of Concerns
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December 9, 2019
Ban the Ban holds a community meeting
February 8, 2020
Ban the Ban holds a community meeting